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My Credentials
Master's of Social Work (Hunter College)
Master's of Arts in Psychology (Wake Forest University)
Bachelor's of Arts in Psychology, Spanish Concentration (Villanova University)
Licensed Clinical Social Worker (New York State) #094608
Licensed Master Social Worker (New York State)
Treating Complex Trauma with Internal Family Systems (Frank G. Anderson, MD)
Mandated Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect (New York State Office of Children and Family Services)
Advocacy for Victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (Durham Crisis Response Center)
Mindfulness-Informed Professional (Richard Sears, PsyD, PhD, MBA, ABPP)
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (Duke University Integrative Medicine)
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST; Mental Health America)
Additional Specialized Training:
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy (EMDR Center of the Rockies)
Treatment of Complicated Grief (The Center for Complicated Grief at Columbia School of Social Work)
Behavioral Treatment of Chronic Pain (Don Teater, MD, MPH & Martha Teater, LMFT)
Internal Family Systems Therapy (Karen Klein Berman, LCSW)
Body-Centered Therapy (Cia Ricco)
Spirituality and Healing of Developmental Trauma (Professor Anthony Sainz)
Trauma-Informed Crisis Response (St. Nicks Alliance Youth and Education)
Learn more: My Path in Healing
"Joelle is deeply passionate about the work she does with clients and it's always a privilege to consult with her. She is warm, knowledgeable, and an expert on working with trauma's impact on the body." - Samira Dewidar, LCSW
"Joelle is a sensitive and attuned clinician who elegantly applies trauma theory to embodied practice." - Rachel Easterly, LCSW
"Joelle is one of the most empathetic, insightful and skilled trauma-informed therapists that I have worked with. She is a wonderful colleague from whom I learn a lot. I highly recommend her." - Kaoru Oguro, LCSW
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